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Nutrients Can Be Natural Sunscreen

Sun protection not only of lotion sunscreen or wear a hat. Some of the food was urgently needed in the summer to be the best sunscreen for your skin.

Skin requires sunscreens to avoid the harmful effects of the sun such as wrinkles, dark spots or even skin cancer. Eating foods containing certain nutrients can be an effective way to prevent it.

Here are some foods that can be a natural sunscreen, as reported boldsky:

1. Green tea
This drink is rich in antioxidants that will restore energy even in peak summer. Anti-aging and cancer-fighting green tea is known, which allows it to protect the skin from the summer heat.
2. Coconut water
In the heat of summer, you also need something to cool the body. Drinking cold water from the coconut to cool the body. When your fear of being sun stroke or heat stroke due, at least one tender coconut drink every day. If you are traveling in the scorching heat during the day, then this is a must to stay hydrated.

3. Cocoa
Cocoa is one of the best summer meals for sun protection. Cocoa is rich in antioxidants that protects against skin cancer, it also has anti-inflammatory properties that calm the body during the summer.

4. Greens
Food is almost there in any list of healthy foods. Green vegetables provide iron, vitamins, minerals, anti-aging benefits, and also provides protection against the sun.

Johns Hopkins University in the United States has conducted research outlining the benefits of broccoli as a sunscreen. According to the study, 1 serving of broccoli each day may provide more protection against skin cancer from sunscreen lotion bottle.

5. Fish
Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish is not only good for the heart, but also friendly to the skin. Fish oils provide maximum protection against the most deadly type of skin cancer, melanoma. So, seafood and fish are good summer foods to prevent strokes due to the sun (sun stroke).

Source: detik.health.com

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