IBX5980432E7F390 7 HOW TO FIGHT HATE EATING VEGETABLES - Health and Beauty


In order intake remains balanced diet, vegetable food is very important to have in your daily menu. But, what happens if it is an important substance tersebt not included in the list of your favorite dishes?
Here are some tips that can be tried to overcome it.

1. Add vegetables to your favorite dishes

Do you love lasagna? Add chopped spinach boiled and stir fried with broccoli or carrots. If you like macaroni and cheese, stir-fry some vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, mushrooms, and tomatoes with olive oil. Add a dash of oregano or tomato sauce and macaroni and cheese is ready to eat. Enjoy with hearty omelette dish.

2. Insert vegetables in salad
Put all the vegetables that you like in a salad bowl. There are many vegetables that can be used as a delicious salad dishes, including onions, radishes, shredded carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower, and so on. The best way to serve it is with thin slices so that seep into the herbs and easy to enjoy.

3. Combine with other vegetables

Some vegetables can be combined with other vegetables to give a different flavor. So, add the vegetables with tomatoes or other vegetables and add the sauce on top of it so it was evocative.

4. Eating raw vegetables

Raw vegetables taste lighter and more crispy texture. Serve with onion sauce (use a garlic broth and add cream low-fat) or tomato sauce given oregano, salt, pepper and olive oil.

5. Make your evening snack

Enter vegetables in sandwich you make. Add grated cheese and chopped vegetables such as basil, cabbage and tomatoes.

6. Make vegetable juice

If you are reluctant to mix their own juice, just buy canned juice available in supermarkets. Or if you have time, make carrot juice mixed with mango or orange.

7. Make grilled vegetables

Roast some vegetables and add a pinch of your favorite flavor with a sprinkling of salt and pepper. Be sure to add olive oil before grilling. Then give pieces of mushrooms or eggplant and roast until cooked.

Well, that was tips or tricks how to overcome hate eating vegetables. Hopefully a lot of useful.

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