IBX5980432E7F390 How Much Fat Should consumed Every Day? - Health and Beauty

How Much Fat Should consumed Every Day?

Almost all of the food you eat has a fat content. Fat has many functions in the body, one of which carry vital nutrients to the cells in the body, helps the digestion of food, and provide backup energy for you.

sebabanya plague even while dieting, your body still needs fat. However, if you accumulate too much fat in the body, it will cause problems to your health.

How much fat should you consume?
How much fat should you consume each day depends on several factors such as weight, diet goals, profiles of body fat, activity level, and lifestyle. American Heart Association recommends limiting fat intake up 30% of total calorie needs. But if you are overweight, have high cholesterol, or a history of certain diseases, it is advisable to consume under percentage.

Why You Need Fat?
Fats are needed to support the body's major functions, such as helping the digestion and absorption of nutrients. Calories in a molecule of fat (9 calories per gram) provides more than twice as much energy as carbohydrates and protein (4 calories per gram), so when we started to thin out the source of energy (glycogen in the lower level), then the body will take energy from fat. Fat in food transport fat soluble vitamins into the intestines. This facilitates the absorption of essential nutrients such as A, D, E and K. If you are fat then you are at risk of deficiency lack these vitamins.

Why You Should Limit Fat?
The main reason why you should limit fat is a high cholesterol content. Cholesterol can cause blockage of blood vessels that can cause heart attack, stroke, and death. In addition, if you are overweight, then you need to limit fat intake to avoid excess intake of calories in your body. However, to meet your needs in fat, choose healthy fats are Omega-6 fatty acids or omega-3 in order to stay healthy.

So, the fat would be beneficial for you if consumed as needed and will bring problems for you if consumed in excess. It would be better if you eat healthy fats found in fruits such as avocados, nuts, canola or olive oil. Do not forget to diligently exercise to keep the body healthy and protected from fatty buildup.

Source : duniafitnes

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