IBX5980432E7F390 8 Tips for Herbal Medicines Consumption - Health and Beauty

8 Tips for Herbal Medicines Consumption

Traditional medicines made ​​from herbs has long been part of the culture of Indonesian society. Alam Nusantara is very rich in herbal ingredients, even Indonesia called the third country in the world that has a diversity of plants in the world.
To increase the consumption of herbal medicines, Deputy Health Minister Ali Ghurfron Mukti had proposed that the herbal medicine is inserted into one of the treatment which is guaranteed in the National Social Security System.
However, herbal medicine is traditionally processed or home could not be ascertained precisely the amount of the ingredient, which can cause unwanted side effects if its use is not appropriate.

 To prevent this, consider the issue of safe consumption of herbal medicines according to Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
1. Do not take more than the dosage and use according to the rules stated on the packaging.
2. In the event of adverse effects, immediately discontinue use and consult a physician.
3. Inform the doctor who was treating you, because some of the ingredients in traditional medicines may interact with chemical drugs, which can cause unwanted effects.
4. Do not consume traditional medicines that contain ingredients that are known to cause allergies.
5. Liver-careful on sufferers hypertension, disorders heart function, kidney, and liver because of there are some ingredients which can aggravate circumstances.
6. Be careful if you are on a diet low in sugar, because in addition to containing ingredients nutritious, traditional medicine sometimes also contain ingredients such as sweeteners.
7. Be careful if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, because some ingredients may affect the fetus.
8. Be careful for breastfeeding women because some of the ingredients can be excreted through breast milk is likely to cause unwanted effects in the baby.

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